Frequently asked questions.

What is the difference between therapy and life coaching?

It is my hope that our coaching relationship does serve as something that feels uplifting and therapeutic to you, however, if you are looking for long term care for mental health reasons, I recommend seeking therapy. Life coaching will help you to identify current behaviors or mindsets so we can work to modify them to serve your best interest. I will help guide you on a journey to overall wellness, which may consist of working through anxious thoughts or depression, but I do not diagnose or treat mental health conditions.

What does holistic health look like to you?

By definition, “Holistic health is an approach to wellness that simultaneously addresses the physical, mental, emotional, social, financial, and spiritual components of health” ( To me, this really just emphasizes that we are made up of so many elements as an individual. Nothing about our existence is simple and often does not have a one size fits all approach. I will aim to use strategies that are designed to foster a greater sense of self-awareness to better understand the connections between your body, mind, and relationships and how these elements play a role in our mental and physical health.

So we won’t just be doing hippie dippie meditations?

Absolutely not! My practice is designed to work with anyone and in collaboration with your lifestyle - not against it. If meditation or yoga is not for you, fear not - we will be able to do some inner work that will work better for you. I will go over in our discovery call how we best can meet each others needs. Every client will be presented with an individualized & uniquely tailored approach. I as a practice am not here to steer you away from any current treatment you may have going on or force any lifestyle changes that will not serve you.

What if I do not know what area I need coaching in?

This is a huge reason I offer my FREE discovery call. Here we can help go over what you are looking to work through. If there are a few aspects of your life you are seeking help in - we can work through them both. That is the thing with holistic health - they’re often all connected anyways! If you are mainly seeking say career advice, this is not to say we will not touch on relationships, physical health, mental health, or inner connectedness. We will use our multifarious dimensions of wellness to get you living your best life!